
  • お茶漬け:Using tea to invigorate a meal

    Pour a half portion into each cup first, then go around one more time to fill them up. My co-worker gave me these instructions as she poured 抹茶玄米茶, matcha genmaicha, into about a dozen porcelain cups. I filled the next set of cups carefully. She went on to explain that this technique ensures that the concentration of the brew is distributed more evenly to each cup. And so I learned at this job what felt like the art of tea, and I learned how to enjoy matcha genmaicha. Read on...
  • Dumbphone: My search for a less smart phone

    At the end of December, I set out to find a new phone. I had dropped my phone a couple months earlier, cracking the screen. But even before then, it wasn't working as a phone. For as long as could remember with it, the microphone didn't work in the phone app. It didn't seem to be a settings issue, or a firmware or software issue. I worked around the broken microphone by using a headset for work calls and the speakerphone for personal calls. I probably could have gone on for a while more using the phone like this, but other parts of smartphone life began to wear me out. Read on...

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